Wedding Ideas for Something Old

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue....and a sixpence in your shoe." 

Yep, the lucky rhyme, popularized in Victorian England, has even more to it! You learn something new every day.

Today we're breaking down this saying and focusing on some cool and creative "something old" ideas for your wedding. This part of rhyme symbolizes continuity and a link from the past. Here are some ideas to make it a good one.

Something Old Wedding Ideas

Wear an old penny in your shoe. Whether it's a lucky penny or one you've just pulled from your wallet, place it in your shoe before you walk the aisle. You could even choose a penny from the year you or your fiance were born or some other significant year.

Wear or carry a piece of jewelry. Ask your relatives if they have a favorite piece of jewelry you can wear (can also act as your "something borrowed"). This could be Grandpa's pocket watch, Grandmother's pearls, or Mom's hair pin. You can actually wear these items, carry them, or wrap them around your bouquet.

Find a vintage photo. If you want to honor loved ones who have passed away, consider finding a photo of the individual or one from their wedding. You can then make it into a photo charm that can be worn or tied to your bouquet.

Rent a classic car and use it as your getaway vehicle.

Wrap a family member's rosary around your bouquet. You might also consider carrying the family Bible instead of a bouquet.

Re-purpose antique jewelry. Turn pieces into earrings, hair combs, rings, or brooches.

Collect vintage brooches and turn them into your bridal bouquet.

Wear a loved one's veil. Mom will adore seeing you walk the aisle in the very veil she wore during her wedding.

Have the ring bearer or flower girl carry your something old. Do you still have your childhood teddy bear or blanket? You could line the flower girl's basket with the blanket or attach the rings to the teddy bear.

Borrow a family member's cake knives or topper. Ask your or your fiance's grandparents/parents if they still have their cake knives or cake topper. Wouldn't it be cool to top your cake with (and cut it!) with something from many moons ago?

Sew something old into your wedding dress. Like a piece of your mother's wedding gown or your grandmother's favorite line of poetry. 

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